I need to
Get in touch
We're here to help.
Report an outage
If you are currently experiencing no power, please call us on 0800 NO POWER (0800 667 693). You can also view our current outages by visiting our outages page.
If you wish to report an emergency fault such as fallen live lines, a motor accident or have heard a large bang, please call us immediately on 0800 NO POWER (0800 667 693).
Are you medically dependent on electricity?
In the event of a power outage, activate your back-up plan, or call 111 if you are feeling unwell or have no alternative support plans in place. Please ensure you have registered yourself as medically dependent with your electricity retailer - their contact number can be found on your power bill.

Contact Centralines
Have you seen graffiti on our electrical equipment or any damage?
Have you any concerns or compliments? We want to hear your feedback.
Give centralines my feedback
We’re committed to providing you with a high level of service and a reliable electricity supply. However, we understand there may be a time when you are unhappy with our services or work we undertake.
We also know that our team work hard to go the extra mile for our customers, and there may be times when you would like to pass on your thanks to a Centralines staff member.